i love food.

Monday, October 10, 2005

a butch in the streets, a femme in the sheets.

alright. i haven't been blogging because i've been to engrossed with The L Word. and the sounds in the show is good. I DONT MEAN THE MOANING AND GROANING AND HEAVY BREATHING YOU FUCKERS. I mean the music and the beats. it's good playgirl by ladytron is good got a really retro feel to it. moody by trick is good too, really rockish like metal it's hot la. ;) super bad girl by iffy is good too, very dance not techno dance!. ACK CARMEN'S FUCKING HOT LA. then there's the theme song with HOT HOT carmen deejaying the theme song is crappy. see thru you by flunk is very uhh slow hah! Roads by portishead somehow makes me reminisce about the past. o.O stars by the vanishing has a very hip hop feeling to it, and the guitarist is like idiot. -.- but i still like it sort off. whatever it is

YOU MUST CHECK OUT EZGIRL. her tunes are the fucking best! and you can't download it, you have to but the session cds. EZGIRL's tunes are great they are for easy listening no lyrics and they are short the beats and the progressive elements. fucking good. :D www.ezgirlmusic.com

It's been awhile, do i still have a place in my mind? do i still exist in your mind? is there a me? but i'll tell you something you still have place in my mind. you still exist in my mind and there's still a you in my mind. but i feel my feelings for you fading away. i wish you didn't go.


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